How to Build 3 Million Solar Panels (Equivalent) Per Day, Today

While solar power is a good carbon free power source, it can take quite a bit of land to replace carbon fuels since each gigawatt requires about 3 million solar panels that only produce energy when the sun is shining. In comparison, gigawatt-sized fission with thorium power plants require far less land. Also, each plant uses standard industrial components such as pipes and containment structures, so components can be modularized. With small modular components, a hundred gigawatt-sized fission with thorium power plants can be built per year at a single place.

What is Large Enough to Assemble All the Modules? A Shipyard

The major components of a fission with thorium plant such as the reactor, heat exchanger, turbine, electric equipment, and containment modules can be quite heavy. This makes it expensive to transport and assemble at a factory. Instead, the plants can be assembled at the same place they make aircraft carriers: a shipyard. There is plenty of space to store the modules, and there is plenty of heavy-duty equipment to manage the heavy components. Each module and the assembled power plant can be transported by ship. A shipyard is a great place to mass produce hundreds of gigawatt-sized fission with thorium power plants.

Newport News Shipyard

Can be Built (Practically) Anywhere

While hundreds of gigawatts of carbon free power can be manufactured at a shipyard, smaller fission with thorium power plants do not require such a large factory. Due to the small reactor and turbine, a 100 megawatt (10% of gigawatt) power plant in small modular reactor form can fit in a 40-ft shipping container. A factory can produce these shipping containers and then transport them to practically anywhere in the world since the transportation industry can easily manage these containers. They can be placed underground or anywhere they want to produce 100 MW of power. The factory producing these small modular reactors can be replicated to produce exponentially more carbon free power plants.

Reach Pre-Industrial Carbon Emission Levels in 20 Years

By building fission with thorium power plants at shipyards and factories each year, we can develop and deploy 20,000 gigawatts of carbon free power in about 20 years. This estimation assumes 10 shipyards each producing 100 gigawatt-sized plants per year or 100 factories each producing 100 small modular reactors per year. This will be enough to replace all carbon emitting fuel sources such as oil, coal, and natural gas around the world and reach pre-industrial era emission levels. The fission with thorium technology can scale up to these levels quicker than other carbon free sources in order to limit the effects of global warming already occurring. In addition, each power plant can create clean water as a by-product and provide cheaper energy for all.  

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