The Green New Deal is a Half-Measure, Add Fission to make it a Full-Measure

While it is possible to provide 100% carbon free power with renewable power, is it actually practical? (Spoiler alert: no). We can put in a tremendous amount of resources to make the United States run on renewable power only, and it will show that it is possible. Unfortunately, coal and natural gas plants are needed to support renewable energy, so this solution is only a half-measure. The Green New Deal without Fission is possible and is very ambitious, and it’s also not necessary. By adding fission power to the Green New Deal, the United States can achieve 100% carbon free power and show the world how to do it practically, making the Green New Deal with Fission a full-measure.

The Pains of Renewable Energy Only

Even though a Green New Deal without Fission will bring 100% carbon free power, it has many economical and practical limitations, as shown with the Energiewende initiative in Germany. Started in 2014, Energiewende is Germany’s plan to reduce carbon emissions 95% by 2050 with renewable energy sources replacing coal, natural gas, and fission power. This plan is nearly identical to the Green New Deal without Fission. When the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing, Germany has, unfortunately, used coal to provide power since their carbon free alternative, energy storage and demand management, is too costly and unreliable. Now, Germany is on the path to reduce carbon emissions to 62% by 2050, which makes this solution only a half-measure.

Fission with Thorium Power Plant

Add Fission and Everybody Wins (except coal)

The Energiewende initiative, like the Green New Deal, can add Fission in combination with renewables, energy storage, and demand management to reduce carbon emissions 100% by 2050. First, we can repair and improve the existing fission plants which continue to provide low cost baseload power. To handle the waste, we can recycle and reuse waste from these plants and store the rest safely similar to the way Sweden processes waste. Also, we can use Fission with Thorium plants which has 1% as much waste as Fission with Uranium plants. Second, we can increase baseload power with low cost Fission with Thorium plants. When solar, wind, and fission plants are providing too much power we can give free power to recycling facilities or desalination plants. Since Fission with Thorium plants are half the cost of coal plants, it’s cheaper to provide excess power than it is to use coal plants to supplement renewable power. Finally, we can utilize energy storage and demand management programs to provide power when energy is costly. We can achieve the goals of the Green New Deal and Energiewende in an economical and practical way by adding Fission to make this solution a full-measure.

Go for the True Full-Measure

By simply adding giving Fission power the same incentives and subsides as renewable energy, oil, and gas, we can add Fission to the Green New Deal to reduce carbon emissions 100% by 2050. Subsides will allow us to maintain and build new fission plants. Research and development grants drive innovation for better products. A carbon tax, if done properly, will increase adoption of all forms of carbon free power.  Each incentive will accelerate the adoption of carbon free power all around the world to make the Green New Deal with Fission a true full-measure.

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