What is 10x Safer than Today’s Safest Form of Power and also 100% Carbon-Free?

We are working with very high power and very high energy technologies, and we must keep our communities and workers safe. We can provide safety by building power plants far away from the communities they serve and adding extra layers of protection. Unfortunately, these safety mechanisms increase the overall cost, which makes these power plants uneconomical. Thankfully, Fission with Thorium has plenty of safety mechanisms built in the reactor and technology. Fission with Thorium can provide 10x the amount of safety than the safest form of power (Fission with Uranium) and provide this power at half the cost of coal plants.

Major Disaster? No Need to Worry.

Fission with Uranium is already the safest form of power. One dangerous aspect of this power is major accidents, and this is mainly due to a typical solid fuel and high-pressure water reactor design. This type of system is prone to bursts and radiation exposure, so many costly safety precautions are installed. Fission with Thorium plants, on the other hand, use liquid fuels and low pressure (high temperature) liquid to transport heat. By using liquid fuels, all of the reactor fuel can be easily drained to an underground bunker in case of emergency. A freeze valve will hold the fuel in the reactor during normal operation, and if an emergency occurs, the freeze valve will become unfrozen and then allow all the liquid to flow to an underground bunker, where it will slowly cool down. Since all the energy conversion systems use low pressure liquids, each one will simply cool down during emergencies, thus not harming the workers or surrounding area. The liquid fuel design provides built in safety for emergencies, and using Thorium as the fuel will provide safety for waste by-products.

Fission with Thorium Power Plant
Source: www.flibe-energy.com

Increased Safety with Far Less Waste

We must contain and shield waste by-products from fission plants to provide safety to our communities during usage and transportation. Taxes, recycle facilities, and containment structures to handle the waste increase the overall cost of fission power plants. Typically, these extra costs make Fission with Uranium power plants too costly compared to other forms of power. In comparison, by using thorium as a base fuel, Fission with Thorium plants have about 1% the waste by-products as Fission with Uranium plants. This greatly reduces the containment and transportation costs. Also, the plant can have a built-in recycle process to reduce the waste even further. With this great reduction in waste, we can provide 20,000 GWs of carbon-free power and safely store all of the waste from Fission with Thorium plants.

Safer and Cheaper on Day One

By utilizing thorium and liquid fuels, Fission with Thorium is 10x safer than today’s safest form of power Fission with Uranium. With these built in safety mechanisms, a Fission with Thorium power plant does not need expensive pressure vessels and large waste containment facilities. This reduces the overall size of each plant and also allows us to build more carbon free power plants faster. Each Fission with Thorium power plant will provide cheaper energy costs to the communities they serve.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2012/06/10/energys-deathprint-a-price-always-paid/#1e1db616709b

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