How a Carbon-Free Power Plant’s By-Product is Clean Water

We can use waste heat from a Fission with Thorium plant to provide clean water using a simple add-on system. Why can we add this system to a Fission with Thorium plant? Why don’t we add it to every power plant? A Fission with Thorium plant outputs high-quality waste heat with its liquid fuel design. With a simple power plant addition, this high-quality heat can provide clean water. Other power plants output low-quality waste heat, so a clean water system is too costly to operate. By utilizing a high-temperature, low-pressure reactor design, Fission with Thorium plants can easily provide clean water with a simple addition.

Taking Advantage of Waste Heat

Fission with Thorium plants use liquid fuels instead of solid fuels commonly associated with Fission with Uranium plants. Solid fuels typically use a high-pressure, low-temperature reactor, while liquid fuels use low-pressure, high-temperature reactors. This high-temperature design outputs high-temperature waste heat as a by-product from the heat exchanger and turbine. The difference between the atmospheric temperature from this high-temperature output is large, so this waste heat is considered high-quality. Other power plants have small temperature differences between the waste heat and atmosphere, so it is considered low-quality. With this high-quality waste heat, a clean water system can easily clean any water source.

Escondida clean water project, Antofagasta, Chile

Clean Water with Little Cost

One method to turn salt water into clean water is to boil seawater and filter the water. This requires a large amount of heat and pumps to transport the water. Thankfully, Fission with Thorium provides plenty of high-quality heat to boil the water. The pumps can be run with the energy produced by the power plant. A Fission with Thorium power plant can add these pumps, filters, and water transport pipes to the plant to turn it into a carbon free power plus clean water plant. The additional operation costs are far smaller than a stand-alone water filter system. A clean power system can be added to any small or large Fission with Thorium plant near a water source.

Cheap Clean Water for Everyone

With the addition of a clean water system attached to a Fission with Thorium plant, we can have a carbon-free power plus clean water plant anywhere in the world. These plants can be near the shoreline and provide power and clean water to coastal cities. They can be placed on offshore platforms, and the power and water can be piped in. They can be large or small plants, and one design can easily be replicated anywhere needed. Also, these Fission with Thorium plus clean water plants will provide carbon free power at half the price of coal plants and less than half the price of today’s clean water plants. It will provide cheaper energy and cheaper water for our communities.

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